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Some news for next year!

Good evening,

I’ve started to feel a coolness in the air in the last couple of days, and that’s saying a lot considering I live in Florida, but it’s been such a relief from the heat, nonetheless. Somehow summer has come to an end and we’re entering autumn already. This year has absolutely flown by and that can only be due to so much of my life changing in a very short amount of time. Getting married to Ethan at the beginning of the year has propelled us into a sweet but rapid pace of growth in the context of getting to know one another better and learning how to function as a team in a way that neither of us has experienced before. That being said, a lot is going to change for us next year as Ethan and I have some exciting news to share that you may or may not already be privy to.

We are moving into a new position within Overland Missions starting February 2024! Our commitment to the World Headquarters Team will come to an end in January, and we will begin a new adventure. The time with this team has been nothing short of a blessing, and it’s been such a perfect way to spend our first year of marriage, undoubtedly. On top of that it has also been a joy to spend our first year together in the States. We’ve been able to consistently see family, which means we were able to celebrate birthdays and spend holidays together. Priceless time and memories. Next year, however, we will be moving into the Operations department and will be based in Zambia, Africa, full-time!

This position is humbling to take on. We will be traveling to roughly five countries per year, developing deep relationships with indigenous leaders as many of those kings, queens, chiefs, and others have expressed a desire to have the message of the new creation shared with their people. In order to do this, reconnaissance is a large part of establishing a stable foundation to send out that message. This is where the operations department comes in. A few of the things that we will be doing as far as a brief overview of logistics go are learning about the culture of the people groups in those countries, travel coordination like transport or cost of living, and making contacts to assist in language translation amongst other things. On top of everything, truly the most beautiful thing that we will be able to do is speak into the lives of these leaders, share the gospel with them, pray for them, and help build them up so that they can lead their people in the way of the Lord.

We cannot contain our excitement for this new stage of our lives, but we are making sure to appreciate the little things and people in our lives here in the States during our last months living here full-time. Starting in February through March, we will be able to come home to meet with our partners and spend time with our families. If you’re looking to see us and grab a meal or coffee, be sure to reach out! When it gets closer to that time, we will send out an update on our schedule so that we can plan to see you before we set off on this new adventure. We hope to launch overseas officially in April of 2024!

We love you and are praying for you!


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