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Writer's pictureVictoria Zink

Change is good

Hey hey,


Well, Ethan and I have officially finished up our commitment to the Overland Missions World Headquarters team. We’ve now packed up our things and hit the road. Our hearts are already missing our team there deeply. It’s beautiful to find ourselves leaving with such bitter-sweet feelings in our hearts. I couldn’t imagine a better way to leave behind the people that I’ve spent so much time working alongside and living life with for the past 20 months. I've learned and grown so much with them. They sent us off with a surprise going-away party and a box full of sweet and funny goodbye letters.


Before I get into our schedule for these upcoming months let me do a quick recounting of the incredible month that January was. For starters, it was so insanely busy, as it is every year for the world headquarters. My team, the media team, was silently working with headphone-covered ears on everything creative in the visual department for our yearly conference from November to early January. From graphics to videos to printed handouts, you’d be surprised just how much work goes into cultivating a cohesive voice of visuals all coming from different people and then somehow executing it at the conference fluidly. But throughout everything-- IT WAS SO FUN! I can’t even begin to express my thankfulness for this season of creating art full-time to tell stories that the Lord has trusted us with and to be on a team that cultivates a beautiful visual atmosphere for our conference.


This conference has been my favorite one yet, not to be biased or anything. Haha. It was just full of these intimate moments with the Lord that I’ve never experienced relationally with Him before. New heights of vivid dreams and wonders imparted by His spirit. Also, I was able to connect with friends I haven’t seen in a year or two that are based around the world. A thousand hellos and a thousand more hugs. There was a strong and wonderful team of speakers that flew in from all around for the sole purpose of pouring into us which I am endlessly grateful for. The most profound thing though, was to pause during our times of worship and look around the room that was full of hundreds of people, that are walking out the complete sacrifice of their lives for the Lord, all there praising the Lord. How beautiful a sight it is to gaze upon that room of people able to offer up worship in complete freedom and safety to our King. That’s not common around the world if you needed a wake-up or reminder about that. Oh how extremely holy and profound the blessing to freely call Jesus our King is.


Right now, in February, March, and early April we are dedicated to seeing family, friends, and our faithful partners who have prayerfully and financially sowed into us and our ministries throughout the years. (Hey we love you! Thank you!) Our monthly budget has increased substantially, and we are also fundraising for a vehicle to have while overseas as we transition into the Operations team. If you need a refresh on that transition, both Ethan and I spoke a little bit about it in the last couple of letters.


Currently, Ethan and I are sat in a beautiful little coffee shop in my hometown area as I write this letter and plan meetings with all of you! We will be in the Bradenton all month. Hopefully, I haven’t forgotten to reach out to you if you’re in the area! In March, we will be heading up to north Florida, in the Jacksonville area, to spend time in Ethan’s hometown to do the same thing we’ve been doing here.


Feel free to reach out to us to grab a coffee or meal! We want to see you, catch up with you to hear about your life, and share, in more detail, about what we’re getting up to in our new position this year. Whether we know you, haven’t seen you in a while, or have never met you yet but you have a heart to be a part of our team, feel free to reach out!


With love,



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